Join us on Zoom for our weekly Evening Bible Study, for the next 8+ weeks we will be going through a study based on the book SEAMLESS by Angie Smith. For details, contact the church.
First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Disciples serving Middletown since 1912.
Join us on Zoom for our weekly Evening Bible Study, for the next 8+ weeks we will be going through a study based on the book SEAMLESS by Angie Smith. For details, contact the church.
Bible Study will begin on
Tuesday Dec. 3, 2019 with two class offerings. The
afternoon class will be from 1:00pm – 2:30pm and the
evening Bible study class will be from 6:00 – 7:30pm on
the same days.
The “Book of Revelation” will be the focus for both Bible
Study classes.
Starting Sunday, December 1, 2019, the Pastor’s Sunday
School Class will begin each Sunday morning at 9:00am
until 9:45am when choir practice will begin. We will be
focusing on various topics from the Bible to keep the
class interesting. The first of those topics will be “The
Cross,” we will engage the scriptures, entertain
questions, and have discussions around the idea and
theology of it. Other topics will arise as we progress
through our studies.
We are so proud of Kaitlin Thompson as she received her
commission to work with the mission, Cominante, in the
Dominican Republic. During a special ceremony at our
General Assembly in Des Moines, Iowa last week, Kaitlin
was one of twelve missionaries commissioned to serve
throughout the world. They are being sent to Kenya,
Thailand, Japan, Greece, Morocco, Haiti, Jamaica,
Cayman Islands, Zambia, Republic of Korea, Dominican
Republic and Palestine. It is God’s plan that we share His
Word. What a blessing it is to have a member of our
congregation, our community, our region, and our
Country volunteer and say, “Here am I, Send me!” May
God’s blessings and our prayers be with Kaitlin
throughout her service.
Rebecca Woods serves as Spiritual Care Coordinator at the Lindner Center of HOPE. She sees patients who want to include spirituality and faith in their ongoing recovery, helps provide for patients’ spiritual and religious needs, and leads Enrichment groups.
Rev. Woods is an ordained minister in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) denomination. She completed four units of Clinical Pastoral Education at the Cincinnati Veterans Administration Medical Center and Twin Towers Retirement Community. In 2015 she completed additional training in Palliative Care Chaplaincy through California State University and the HealthCare Chaplaincy Network. She is a member of the Association of Professional Chaplains and the Spiritual Care Association.
Her focus is on helping people develop and maintain a healthy spirituality to support recovery and wellness; facilitating connections with supportive faith communities; and educating faith leaders and communities on how to support individuals and families in coping with mental health and addiction issues.
Before joining the Lindner Center of HOPE, she worked as a full-time chaplain at Twin Towers Retirement Community and served on the board of directors of NAMI of Butler County. Prior to that, she pastored an urban congregation and was the executive director/campus minister at the Campus Ministry Center (now the Interfaith Center) in Oxford, Ohio, serving students at Miami University.
Carol is an Ordained Minister in the Christian Church(Disciples of Christ). Carol is the Pastor of Assimilation at Legacy Christian Church In Harrison, Ohio. She serves on the Commission of Ministry and the Camp Christian Committee for our region. Carol served as Associate Pastor at FCC-Middletown for 13 years. Carol also served Walnut Hills Christian Church as Co-Pastor.
Connor is a Commissioned Minister in Care of the Commission on Ministry of the Christian Church in Ohio. Following Commissioning, Connor will serve as Associate Pastor of First Christian Church, Middletown. He is a lifelong member of First Christian Church, Connor has served as Chaplain at Camp Friedlander operated by the Dan Beard Council, Boy Scouts of America. Connor is a senior at Miami University majoring in Non Profit & Community Studies and intends to pursue a Master of Divinity and Ordination in the Christian Church (Dsiciples of Christ) in the United States & Canada.
Carol is an Ordained Minister in the Christian Church(Disciples of Christ). Carol is the Pastor of Assimilation at Legacy Christian Church In Harrison, Ohio. She serves on the Commission of Ministry and the Camp Christian Committee for our region. Carol served as Associate Pastor at FCC-Middletown for 13 years. Carol also served Walnut Hills Christian Church as Co-Pastor.
Michael is a part-time student at Lexington Theological Seminary (Disciples of Christ) and is a “member in discernment” working towards ordination in the United Church of Christ. He was raised Southern Baptist and has a church music degree from Southern Seminary, but found his spiritual home in the UCC. He has been a member of Faith UCC in Cincinnati for 18 years.
Michael is Special Projects Director at Dolbey and Company, a healthcare documentation solutions provider, and has worked there in a variety of positions since 1994. He and Leslie have been married for nearly 37 years and have a son Jonathan who is an incredible professional musician and songwriter.
Rev. Dr. Willie J. Barnes-Jackson was born in Bourbon County, Paris, KY. He is the son of Mrs. Wanda M. Anderson of Dayton OH, and Dr. Willie J. Barnes of Longview, TX. Dr. Barnes-Jackson accepted his call to ministry on August 22, 1998 at a John Maxwell “Equipping the Saints” seminar in Toledo, Ohio.
He received his Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration in 1998 from Central State University, graduating with Magna Cum Laude honors. He graduated in 2002 from Payne Theological Seminary with his Master of Divinity degree in Theological Studies and Pastoral and Marriage Counseling, while having matriculated as a Daniel A. Payne Presidential Scholar. He also completed over 400 hours of Clinical Pastoral Education and was ordained in December 2002 by the Christian Church in Ohio and Summit Christian Church under pastoral leadership of Rev. Dr. J. Thomas Johnson. In 2013, he graduated from United Theological Seminary after completing his Doctor of Ministry degree in Christian Education and Urban Ministry Development.
Dr. Barnes-Jackson has volunteered as a Chaplain for both Miami Valley and Good Samaritan Hospitals in Dayton. He is a member of the Disciples Chaplain Association. He held the position of President of the Reconciliation Committee. He is a trained member of the Anti-racism and Pro-reconciliation Commission and is considered a New Church Planter for the Ohio Region of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the United States and Canada. Dr. Barnes-Jackson established the first and successful annual Brother’s in God’s Grace (B.I.G.G.) Men’s Rally at Tabernacle Baptist Church. He spearheaded the development of a Clergy Social Action effort called Dayton Ecumenical Social Action Collaborative and led the development of a non-profit Community Development Corporation and
Action group with parishioners at Tabernacle Baptist Church in Dayton, Ohio. Currently he is an Associate Minister at Summit Christian Church in Dayton. Rev. Dr. Barnes-Jackson was an Associate Minister at Tabernacle Baptist Church and Pastor of Light of the Community Christian Church (DOC). He is married to Rev. Dr. Pamela Barnes-Jackson and is father to six children and fourteen grandchildren. He and Pamela celebrated thirty-one years of marriage on February 22, 2018 and currently reside in Clayton, Ohio. He is a loving and caring member of the Body of Christ and a dedicated man of God who looks forward to working with others in ways that enhance and promote continuous spiritual growth.
4520 Rosedale Rd
Middletown, OH 45042
Phone:(513) 422-2853
Fax: (513) 422-4530
Email: fccmiddletownoh@gmail.com
9:30 am Fellowship Hour
10:30 am Traditional Worship
Children’s Programming Available
6:00 pm Youth (Ages 13-21)
7:30 pm Modern Worship
Children’s Programming Available
First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
4520 Rosedale Rd. Middletown, Ohio 45042
Church: 513-422-2853
Email: fccmiddletownoh@gmail.com
Worship: Sundays @ 10:30 AM
Youth LIVESTREAM: Fridays @ 3:00 PM
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